

Perform 3 sets of AMRAP for 60 secs of each exercise. So you will use Light to Moderate Weight and perform Exercise A for AMRAP for 60 secs (1st set), rest for 1-2 mins, perform Exercise A for AMRAP for 60 secs (2nd set), rest 1-2 mins, perform Exercise A for AMRAP for 60 secs (3rd set)……Repeat this pattern for the remaining exercises, 3 sets per exercise.


Worlds Greatest


This is a three-part stretch. Begin by lunging forward, with your front foot flat on the ground and on the toes of your back foot. With your knees bent, squat down until your knee is almost touching the ground. Keep your torso erect, and hold this position for 10-20 seconds. Now, place the arm on the same side as your front leg on the ground, with the elbow next to the foot. Your other hand should be placed on the ground, parallel to your lead leg, to help support you during this portion of the stretch.Next Rotate opposite arm one on ground upward opening up chest, pause for 3 seconds then repeat with other arm (placing opposite arm on ground outside of knee to help support. After 10-20 seconds, place your hands on either side of your front foot. Raise the toes of the front foot off of the ground, and straighten your leg. You may need to reposition your rear leg to do so.



Begin by standing tall, feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, grasping one weight with both hands in front of your body. Lower into a squat keeping your body weight in your heels and posture tall. As you push to stand tall, keep arms extended, and swing the weight so that it ends above your head. Begin to lower the weight as you lower back into a squat and repeat the movement. Use control and make certain that core is strong throughout this movement. Avoid arching your back when the weight is extended above your head.

DB Step Ups


Stand with feet shoulder-width apart in front of a step or bench holding dumbbells in each hand. Step with right leg up on to bench pushing through heel on bench and straightening right leg. Make sure to power upward, not forward, keeping knee behind toes on bench. Slowly return to starting position with right leg back on ground.

DB Tricep Kickback


Start with dumbbells in your hands, palms facing your body. Keep your back straight with a slight bend in knees and bend forward at the waist with your torso almost parallel to the floor. Arms at 90 degree angle between forearm and upper arm.

Keep your elbow by your side and exhale while you use your triceps to lift the dumbbell until the arm is fully extended behind you. Pause at the top of the contraction, inhale and slowly lower the dumbbell.



Start in a push-up position. Lift up one hand to touch your opposite shoulder and return to the start position. Alternate arms.



Begin by lying on your back legs and arms fully extended away from the body. Moving in opposition raise your right leg and left hand away from the floor. Forcefully exhale as you reach them towards each other and crunch. With control lower them back down to the starting position.




This is a three-part stretch. Begin by lunging forward, with your front foot flat on the ground and on the toes of your back foot. With your knees bent, squat down until your knee is almost touching the ground. Keep your torso erect, and hold this position for 10-20 seconds. Now, place the arm on the same side as your front leg on the ground, with the elbow next to the foot. Your other hand should be placed on the ground, parallel to your lead leg, to help support you during this portion of the stretch. After 10-20 seconds, place your hands on either side of your front foot. Raise the toes of the front foot off of the ground, and straighten your leg. You may need to reposition your rear leg to do so. Hold for 10-20 seconds, and then repeat the entire sequence for the other side.



Begin in a wide stance toes turned outward. It is optional to hold a weight at your chest with both hands. Squat down keeping weight in your heels attempting to get to a 90-degree angle. Push through your heels to return upright and in doing so lift your right knee towards the ceiling. Lower back into the squat and this time as you stand lift your left knee to the ceiling.



Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and dumbbells in each hand.Bend at your waist keeping spine in flat neutral position.Pull dumbbells up to chest then extend outward.Return to starting position.

DB Tricep Press


Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and dumbbell in both hands. Fully extend the arms with the dumbbell overhead (tip: palm of your hand is facing forward). Keep your arm close to your head and lower dumbbell behind your head until your forearm touches your bicep (only your forearm is moving). Use your triceps to raise the dumbbell. Breathe out as you lift the dumbbell.

BW Elbow Plank


Get into a push up like position on the floor but bend at the elbow and rest your forearms on the floor, clasping your palms together. Support your weight on your toes and your forearms. Keep your elbows in line with your shoulders Head in alignment with spine. Imagine a straight line from your head to your toes. Engage your core and hold this position for desired length of time. Tip: modification: lower your knees to the ground, but still aim for a straight line from your hips to your shoulders.

Hollow Body


Begin standing tall using a wall or chair for balance. Square hips and shoulders to the wall to avoid rotating. Flex one foot and extend the leg behind you squeezing your glute muscle. Lift as high as range of motion allows with good form. Return the leg to the start position.

#6 BW Superman


Begin in a staggered stance, right foot in front of left, feet hip-width apart as is you were standing n railroad tracks. Bend the left knee behind you to lower into a lunge. Using light or no weights, reach left arm forward, elbow back with the right arm. Push off with your left foot to return back upright, arms following in opposition. Maintain shoulder height but no higher with arms as you focus on relaxing your neck.


Worlds Greatest


This is a three-part stretch. Begin by lunging forward, with your front foot flat on the ground and on the toes of your back foot. With your knees bent, squat down until your knee is almost touching the ground. Keep your torso erect, and hold this position for 10-20 seconds. Now, place the arm on the same side as your front leg on the ground, with the elbow next to the foot. Your other hand should be placed on the ground, parallel to your lead leg, to help support you during this portion of the stretch.Next Rotate opposite arm one on ground upward opening up chest, pause for 3 seconds then repeat with other arm (placing opposite arm on ground outside of knee to help support. After 10-20 seconds, place your hands on either side of your front foot. Raise the toes of the front foot off of the ground, and straighten your leg. You may need to reposition your rear leg to do so.



Begin by standing tall, feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, grasping one weight with both hands in front of your body. Lower into a squat keeping your body weight in your heels and posture tall. As you push to stand tall, keep arms extended, and swing the weight so that it ends above your head. Begin to lower the weight as you lower back into a squat and repeat the movement. Use control and make certain that core is strong throughout this movement. Avoid arching your back when the weight is extended above your head.

DB Step Ups


Stand with feet shoulder-width apart in front of a step or bench holding dumbbells in each hand. Step with right leg up on to bench pushing through heel on bench and straightening right leg. Make sure to power upward, not forward, keeping knee behind toes on bench. Slowly return to starting position with right leg back on ground.



Start with dumbbells in your hands, palms facing your body. Keep your back straight with a slight bend in knees and bend forward at the waist with your torso almost parallel to the floor. Arms at 90-degree angle between forearm and upper arm. Keep your elbow by your side and exhale while you use your triceps to lift the dumbbell until the arm is fully extended behind you. Pause at the top of the contraction, inhale and slowly lower the dumbbell.



Begin in plank position on your forearms. Head is in line with your spine, palms are turned towards each other, belly button is pulled in. With control, tap one foot out to the side and return back to start. Switch to the opposite foot, moving one side at a time. Maintain stability in your torso and avoid rocking.



Begin by lying on your back legs and arms fully extended away from the body. Moving in opposition raise your right leg and left hand away from the floor. Forcefully exhale as you reach them towards each other and crunch. With control lower them back down to the starting position.