

Perform 3 rounds of 8-12 reps using moderate weight. So you will do the First Exercise for 8-12 reps, rest 1 min, perform the Second exercise for 8-12 reps, rest 1 min, perform the Third exercise for 8-12 reps, rest 1 min, perform the Fourth exercise for 8-12 reps, rest 1 minute. Once you have completed one “round” or one set of each exercise you will go back to the beginning and start with Exercise 1 again and repeat in that fashion for a total of 3 rounds.


Worlds Greatest


This is a three-part stretch. Begin by lunging forward, with your front foot flat on the ground and on the toes of your back foot. With your knees bent, squat down until your knee is almost touching the ground. Keep your torso erect, and hold this position for 10-20 seconds. Now, place the arm on the same side as your front leg on the ground, with the elbow next to the foot. Your other hand should be placed on the ground, parallel to your lead leg, to help support you during this portion of the stretch.Next Rotate opposite arm one on ground upward opening up chest, pause for 3 seconds then repeat with other arm (placing opposite arm on ground outside of knee to help support. After 10-20 seconds, place your hands on either side of your front foot. Raise the toes of the front foot off of the ground, and straighten your leg. You may need to reposition your rear leg to do so.



Begin by standing upright holding dumbbells in each hand by your side. Step behind and across your body with your right leg as if you were “curtsying”. Bend your knees and lower your body towards the ground. Posture in upper torso should remain tall and the weights will rest by your sides. Push into both heels to bring your body back upright.



Lay on your back with knees bent feet flat on the ground. Push through your heels and lift your hips towards the ceiling until body creates a straight line. Hold this hip bride throughout the entire movement. Arms extend out to the side with elbows bent at 90 degrees. Press dumbbells in unison up towards the ceiling. Slowly lower the weight but maintain the hip bridge.



Begin by hinging at the hip, knees are bent, spine is long, and neck is neutral. Weights will hang, with extended arms, down towards the floor in front of you. Maintaining a stable core begin to lift the weights away from your body with straight arms. At the end range of motion knuckles will be pointing towards the ceiling arms extended out to the sides as if you were flying. Slowly return the weight to the starting position.



Stand up with your torso upright and a dumbbell on each hand being held at arms length. The elbows should be close to the torso. The palms of the hands should be facing your torso (hammer grip). This will be your starting position. Now, while holding your upper arm stationary, exhale and curl the weights forward while contracting the biceps of your hands. Continue to raise the weight until the biceps are fully contracted and the dumbbells are at shoulder level. Hold the contracted position of your right arm and extend your left arm back to your side then bringing back up to the top position, then repeat for the other side. Tip: Focus on keeping the elbow stationary and only moving your forearm.



Begin with dumbbells at chest height. Moving as one unit, extend the dumbbells directly above your head. Continue to keep dumbbells together and slowly lower back to chest. Maintain a stable core and do not let your back arch throughout the movement.
HEEL TAP CRUNCH: Begin by lying flat on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Arms are next to your body, fingertips near your hips. Lift your upper back away from the mat. Slowly begin to reach fingertips towards your heel on one side. Return to the center. Reach fingertips to the opposite side. Neck is relaxed and in a neutral position, eyes gazing towards the ceiling.



Begin by lying flat on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Arms are next to your body, fingertips near your hips. Lift your upper back away from the mat. Slowly begin to reach fingertips towards your heel on one side. Return to the center. Reach fingertips to the opposite side. Neck is relaxed and in a neutral position, eyes gazing towards the ceiling.Begin by lying flat on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Arms are next to your body, fingertips near your hips. Lift your upper back away from the mat. Slowly begin to reach fingertips towards your heel on one side. Return to the center. Reach fingertips to the opposite side. Neck is relaxed and in a neutral position, eyes gazing towards the ceiling.




This is a three-part stretch. Begin by lunging forward, with your front foot flat on the ground and on the toes of your back foot. With your knees bent, squat down until your knee is almost touching the ground. Keep your torso erect, and hold this position for 10-20 seconds. Now, place the arm on the same side as your front leg on the ground, with the elbow next to the foot. Your other hand should be placed on the ground, parallel to your lead leg, to help support you during this portion of the stretch. After 10-20 seconds, place your hands on either side of your front foot. Raise the toes of the front foot off of the ground, and straighten your leg. You may need to reposition your rear leg to do so. Hold for 10-20 seconds, and then repeat the entire sequence for the other side.



Stand with your feet about hip-width apart, pull your shoulders down and back without arching your low back, and “brace” (engage your abdominal/core muscles) to stiffen your spine. Step forward by slowly lifting the right foot off the floor, stabilizing your body on the left (stance / supporting) leg. Maintain the abdominal bracing. As you lunge forward, focus more on lowering your hips towards the floor rather than driving your hips forward, (think about aiming your left knee towards the heel of your right foot). This will help control the amount of forward movement of your shinbone (forward tibial translation) over your foot. Continue lowering your body to a comfortable position or until your right (front) thigh becomes parallel with the floor and your tibia (shinbone) is in a slight forward lean. While lunging, simultaneously lean forward slightly at your hips while maintaining the adnominal bracing to keep the spine extended and rotate to your left while continuing to hold the medicine ball in front of your mid-section. From the lowered position, rotate back to the right so that you are facing straight ahead, firmly push the right foot in to the ground and pull yourself back to a standing position by driving the right knee straight back to create knee and hip extension simultaneously.



Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and dumbbells in each hand.Bend at your waist keeping spine in flat neutral position.Pull dumbbells up to chest then extend outward.Return to starting position.



Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and dumbbells in each hand.Bend at your waist keeping spine in flat neutral position.Pull dumbbells up to chest then extend outward.Return to starting position.



Stand straight up with your feet a few inches apart and your arms to your side. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. In one motion, raise the dumbbells to eye level. Your arms should be straight out and parallel to the floor. Hold your right arm up and slowly drop your left arm down and then back up, repeat with the right arm. You will be holding the alternating arm up while the other arm is doing the curling motion. Release to starting position.



Lying on back lift and twist opposite elbow to reach or touch opposite knee. Hands are supporting the head slightly but not pulling, eyes are looking at the knee. Belly button is pulled in supporting entire core. Envision that your waist is a washcloth that you are wringing out as you twist. Forcefully exhale as you twist and inhale as you move to switch sides.


Worlds Greatest


This is a three-part stretch. Begin by lunging forward, with your front foot flat on the ground and on the toes of your back foot. With your knees bent, squat down until your knee is almost touching the ground. Keep your torso erect, and hold this position for 10-20 seconds. Now, place the arm on the same side as your front leg on the ground, with the elbow next to the foot. Your other hand should be placed on the ground, parallel to your lead leg, to help support you during this portion of the stretch.Next Rotate opposite arm one on ground upward opening up chest, pause for 3 seconds then repeat with other arm (placing opposite arm on ground outside of knee to help support. After 10-20 seconds, place your hands on either side of your front foot. Raise the toes of the front foot off of the ground, and straighten your leg. You may need to reposition your rear leg to do so.



Begin by standing upright holding dumbbells in each hand by your side. Step behind and across your body with your right leg as if you were “curtsying”. Bend your knees and lower your body towards the ground. Posture in upper torso should remain tall and the weights will rest by your sides. Push into both heels to bring your body back upright.



Lay on your back with knees bent feet flat on the ground. Push through your heels and lift your hips towards the ceiling until body creates a straight line. Hold this hip bride throughout the entire movement. Arms extend out to the side with elbows bent at 90 degrees. Press dumbbells in unison up towards the ceiling. Slowly lower the weight but maintain the hip bridge.



Begin by hinging at the hip, knees are bent, spine is long, and neck is neutral. Weights will hang, with extended arms, down towards the floor in front of you. Maintaining a stable core begin to lift the weights away from your body with straight arms. At the end range of motion knuckles will be pointing towards the ceiling arms extended out to the sides as if you were flying. Slowly return the weight to the starting position.



Begin with dumbbells at chest height. Moving as one unit, extend the dumbbells directly above your head. Continue to keep dumbbells together and slowly lower back to chest. Maintain a stable core and do not let your back arch throughout the movement.
HEEL TAP CRUNCH: Begin by lying flat on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Arms are next to your body, fingertips near your hips. Lift your upper back away from the mat. Slowly begin to reach fingertips towards your heel on one side. Return to the center. Reach fingertips to the opposite side. Neck is relaxed and in a neutral position, eyes gazing towards the ceiling.



Stand up with your torso upright and a dumbbell on each hand being held at arms length. The elbows should be close to the torso. The palms of the hands should be facing your torso (hammer grip). This will be your starting position. Now, while holding your upper arm stationary, exhale and curl the weights forward while contracting the biceps of your hands. Continue to raise the weight until the biceps are fully contracted and the dumbbells are at shoulder level. Hold the contracted position of your right arm and extend your left arm back to your side then bringing back up to the top position, then repeat for the other side. Tip: Focus on keeping the elbow stationary and only moving your forearm.



Begin by lying flat on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Arms are next to your body, fingertips near your hips. Lift your upper back away from the mat. Slowly begin to reach fingertips towards your heel on one side. Return to the center. Reach fingertips to the opposite side. Neck is relaxed and in a neutral position, eyes gazing towards the ceiling.Begin by lying flat on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Arms are next to your body, fingertips near your hips. Lift your upper back away from the mat. Slowly begin to reach fingertips towards your heel on one side. Return to the center. Reach fingertips to the opposite side. Neck is relaxed and in a neutral position, eyes gazing towards the ceiling.