

Perform 3 sets of 8-10 reps of each exercise with heavy weight. So you will do the First Exercise for 8-10 reps (1st set), rest 1 min, perform 8-10 reps (2nd set), rest 1 min, perform 8-10 reps (3rd set). Once you have completed all three sets of the Exercise you will move on to the next Exercise and repeat until all exercises are completed. You should be reaching muscular fatigue at the end of the 3 sets.


Worlds Greatest


This is a three-part stretch. Begin by lunging forward, with your front foot flat on the ground and on the toes of your back foot. With your knees bent, squat down until your knee is almost touching the ground. Keep your torso erect, and hold this position for 10-20 seconds. Now, place the arm on the same side as your front leg on the ground, with the elbow next to the foot. Your other hand should be placed on the ground, parallel to your lead leg, to help support you during this portion of the stretch.Next Rotate opposite arm one on ground upward opening up chest, pause for 3 seconds then repeat with other arm (placing opposite arm on ground outside of knee to help support. After 10-20 seconds, place your hands on either side of your front foot. Raise the toes of the front foot off of the ground, and straighten your leg. You may need to reposition your rear leg to do so.

DB Chest Press


Hold dumbbells close to your chest and lie back on a bench. The palms of your hand will be facing towards your body. Bring your arm to 90 degrees. Exhale as you push the dumbbells up using your pectoral muscles. Lock your arms and hold for a second before slowly returning to the starting position. Note: A longer bench may be used to support your entire torso.

DB Weighted Raised Leg Split Squat


Stand with torso straight and core engaged, dumbbells in each side down by your side. Put the top of one foot behind you on a bench. Inhale and begin by bending your knees and lowering your back knee down towards the ground while maintaining a straight posture with your head up. Exhale as you push through your feet and straighten your legs to starting position. Tip: your front knee should never go past your toes – this places undue stress on the knee. Move your front foot away from the bench for a wider stance if you are having a problem.

DB Single Arm Wide Row


Using a bench, hinge at the hip and place one hand on it to stabilize. Holding a dumbbell in the other hand slowly begin to lift the weight. Lead with the elbow and move away from the body to create a 90-degree angle. Knuckles will be facing forward at the top range of motion.

Side Plank Clam Exercise


Lay on one side hips stacked as if you were pressed up against a wall. Keeping knees stacked, tuck them towards your chest to almost 90 degrees. Open, or lift the top knee towards the ceiling as far as range of motion will allow creating a “clamshell” with your legs.

DB Zottman Curl


Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and palms facing away from body holding dumbbells. Curl dumbbells up to shoulders keeping elbows close to body. At top, rotate dumbbells so palms are facing ground and let down slowly. When at the bottom rotate palms to face up and back to starting position.




This is a three-part stretch. Begin by lunging forward, with your front foot flat on the ground and on the toes of your back foot. With your knees bent, squat down until your knee is almost touching the ground. Keep your torso erect, and hold this position for 10-20 seconds. Now, place the arm on the same side as your front leg on the ground, with the elbow next to the foot. Your other hand should be placed on the ground, parallel to your lead leg, to help support you during this portion of the stretch. After 10-20 seconds, place your hands on either side of your front foot. Raise the toes of the front foot off of the ground, and straighten your leg. You may need to reposition your rear leg to do so. Hold for 10-20 seconds, and then repeat the entire sequence for the other side.

Goblet Squat


Position feet shoulder-width apart with toes pointed out slightly. Hold the dumbbell against the chest by holding one of the “heads” vertically between your palms. Squat down by sitting back and down between the knees, keeping your chest up the whole time. Make sure you DO NOT fall forward or round your back. Go down as low as you can while keeping your feet flat on the floor. You are at least aiming for your upper leg to be parallel to the ground. At the bottom your elbows should be inside of your legs and pushing your knees outward. Reverse movement to stand up and return back to starting position.

Underhand Bent Over Row


With bent knees, hinge at the hip and lean forward with a flat back. Head is in a neutral position, spine is long, and neck is relaxed. Holding dumbbells extend arms out towards the floor, palms facing up. Lift weights towards your chest with elbows bending wide. Weights should be near your arm pits at the top range of motion.

Side Plank Clam Exercise


Lay on one side hips stacked as if you were pressed up against a wall. Keeping knees stacked, tuck them towards your chest to almost 90 degrees. Open, or lift the top knee towards the ceiling as far as range of motion will allow creating a “clamshell” with your legs.

BW Alternating Forearm Leg Raise Plank


Begin in plank on your forearms. Palms facing each other and hands clasped. Belly button pulled in towards your spine. Engage your scapula feeling stability between your shoulder blades. Lift one leg away from the floor by squeezing your glute. Avoid any rocking or rotating and keep your head in line with your spine. Lower the leg and switch sides.

DB Weighted Crunch


Lay down on the mat. Put your weight plate on your chest and cross your arms over to hold it in place. Crunching in the stomach, pull your shoulder blades off the floor as far as possible. Pause, then slowly lower back to the starting position.


Worlds Greatest


This is a three-part stretch. Begin by lunging forward, with your front foot flat on the ground and on the toes of your back foot. With your knees bent, squat down until your knee is almost touching the ground. Keep your torso erect, and hold this position for 10-20 seconds. Now, place the arm on the same side as your front leg on the ground, with the elbow next to the foot. Your other hand should be placed on the ground, parallel to your lead leg, to help support you during this portion of the stretch.Next Rotate opposite arm one on ground upward opening up chest, pause for 3 seconds then repeat with other arm (placing opposite arm on ground outside of knee to help support. After 10-20 seconds, place your hands on either side of your front foot. Raise the toes of the front foot off of the ground, and straighten your leg. You may need to reposition your rear leg to do so.

DB Chest Press


Hold dumbbells close to your chest and lie back on a bench. The palms of your hand will be facing towards your body. Bring your arm to 90 degrees. Exhale as you push the dumbbells up using your pectoral muscles. Lock your arms and hold for a second before slowly returning to the starting position. Note: A longer bench may be used to support your entire torso.

DB Weighted Raised Leg Split Squat


Stand with torso straight and core engaged, dumbbells in each side down by your side. Put the top of one foot behind you on a bench. Inhale and begin by bending your knees and lowering your back knee down towards the ground while maintaining a straight posture with your head up. Exhale as you push through your feet and straighten your legs to starting position. Tip: your front knee should never go past your toes – this places undue stress on the knee. Move your front foot away from the bench for a wider stance if you are having a problem.

DB Single Arm Wide Row


Using a bench, hinge at the hip and place one hand on it to stabilize. Holding a dumbbell in the other hand slowly begin to lift the weight. Lead with the elbow and move away from the body to create a 90-degree angle. Knuckles will be facing forward at the top range of motion.

Side Lying Bicycle


Begin by lying on your side, hips stacked as if you were backed against a wall knees bent to 90 degrees. Extend the top leg directly in front of you, leading with the heel. Sweep the leg back through the mid-line and extend behind you. Point your toe, bend your knee and bring the leg back to the start position. Moving your leg in a bicycle motion and avoid rocking with your torso

Side Plank Clam Exercise


Lay on one side hips stacked as if you were pressed up against a wall. Keeping knees stacked, tuck them towards your chest to almost 90 degrees. Open, or lift the top knee towards the ceiling as far as range of motion will allow creating a “clamshell” with your legs.

DB Zottman Curl


Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and palms facing away from body holding dumbbells. Curl dumbbells up to shoulders keeping elbows close to body. At top, rotate dumbbells so palms are facing ground and let down slowly. When at the bottom rotate palms to face up and back to starting position.